Do you want your smile to look its best on your wedding day? Are you worried that your braces may show in your wedding pictures?
We aim to deliver you the best smile for your wedding. Our Wedding Package involves consultations with our Multi-Speciality Team, including; an Orthodontic Specialist, a Crown, Veneer and Whitening Specialist, and a Gum Specialist.

To cope with the challenges of wedding photos, Redhead Orthodontics recommends using a Hidden Lingual Brace.
Lingual braces begin to straighten the teeth from day one, and within three months you will see an improvement.
Incognito Lingual Braces
- Completely invisible from the outside
- Excellent results for all types of incorrect tooth positions
- Custom designed wires & brackets- improved comfort and fast results
- Made from polished gold – no nickel allergies
Or choose Invisalign aligners or our discreet clear glass braces.
Still, confused about which brace to choose?
Take our fun, quick 1 min Best Braces Quiz to establish if this is the right brace for you or Book an Appointment to speak with Dr Redhead himself.